Thursday, September 10, 2015

Lots of Verbs by Katie, Shya, Reuben and Nevaeh

Untitled from Room 13 GLS on Vimeo.


Year 3/4 Grey Lynn Scribblers said...

Hi rm14, We love your video and that music was cool. I loved the way you were acting out what sloths do. From Jake and Toby.

Year 3/4 Grey Lynn Scribblers said...

Cute and funny

Year 3/4 Grey Lynn Scribblers said...

Wow Room14 what a lot of efort you must of put into that video and very Jojo

Year 3/4 Grey Lynn Scribblers said...

Hi Katie,Shya,Nevaeh and Reuben, I like the way you acted like sloths.It is also awesome music.