Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Holiday

On Friday last week (the last week of the holidays) my cousins from Samoa came over to New Zealand. (they arrived on Sunday)So me, my dad, my mum and brother decided to take them to Clip n' Climb. So we picked them up and took them to our house because our session hadn't started yet. Then it was time to go to Clip n' Climb. When we got there my little cousin who just turned four wanted to go to the bathroom so I took her but then she didn't want to go so I took her all the way back then she started to run away and try and climb one of the walls (without the harness). So I had to literally drag her back to where we were, then the man started to call all the people who were in the next session. He told us what to do and we had to be checked by a parent if we were thirteen or under.The the fun started!! I climbed almost everything except I didn't climb up to the very top. I would say that my favourite one to climb was this green one that had these little circles popping out and if you were really good at it you could use these velcro gloves to climb it and the one that I didn't really like that much was this one that you could only use your hands to climb and it was also not solid it was blown up. After walking around trying to find which one to climb our session was over. So we all lined up to take our harness's off. After that we had to go drop off my cousins. When we got there we were hungry so we persuaded my mum to take us to St Lukes to get us some lunch and it worked. After that we had to go so we said goodbye and took off back to our place. And that was the end of our day (just to let you know I had an unplanned sleepover but its probably gonna take a while for you to read this so this is the end.)

By Stella

1 comment:

Sepora said...

Talofa Stella, Clip n' Climb sounds like fun. Your description of your little cousin sounds very familiar!