Monday, March 26, 2012

Certificate Winners 26 March 2012

The certificate winners for this weeks team assembly were Arlo, Sophie and Caitlin:

Arlo McLean won his for finishing work early and it always being at the highest standard. He felt very proud that he won and surprised out of all the people in his class . Next was Sophie Jones for thinking critically about her SMART goal. She also felt surprised because she said she never won that many certificates . Last is Caitlin Ward for being resilient at swimming sports and not giving up she felt astonished because she said she wasn't the only one that tried and wondered why she was the one that got the award and like all the award winners they all use the grey lynn school values respect, responsibility and resilience!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow - those are all great things to win certificates for! Well done.

Anne (Sophie's mum)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Arlo, Sophie and Caitlin for working so hard in Room 13.

Nicky (Marlo's Mum)

Anton said...

Hi winers great job you all did deserved them.