Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thoughts towards next year


For next year, I will not talk to people at my desk or on the mat.  By that, I mean zipping my mouth shut, locking it and snapping the key and chucking it as far as I can.  I will also try and get better at my maths by practicing my basic facts more often.  In maths, my subjects I need to focus on are my times tables and division.
By Casey.

I will try to do more sports to get rid of my asthma so that I don't need my asthma inhaler.  I will do more spelling practice with easy and hard words like "empathy."  I will keep my manners great by not talking when the teacher talks.
By Savannah.

For me, a goal for Year 6 next year would be to try hard and participate in every task.  Also I would try to improve my maths and start practicing at home with my brothers or cousin.  My other goal is that I need to practice my spelling and to work harder on it and if I cant spell a word, I should try to spell it out. Finally, the tricky part.  I have to try not to be annoying to people at my table and try to get on with the task I am given to do.
By Misty.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys its Vera here.Great writing about thoughts towards next year.My one for next year would be to keep my handwriting neat.

From Vera

Anonymous said...

To Casey, Savannah and Misty,

Casey, I like the way you described how you will achieve your goal in a funny way rather than, "I will be

Savannah, good luck on getting rid of your asthma I wonder how you will you will do that? Could it be what you eat?

Misty, like Casey you need to be a little more quiet and you could do the zip lock and throw task , so that you will not annoy people.

All the best for next year from Lucy.

Anonymous said...

Hi savannah my self and Misty
I really like the way that we gave the straight forward information on what we really want to be able to over come.And Im sure we will.

Anonymous said...

hi casey,
nice goal I think you really do need to work on keeping your mouth shut.But im sure if you put your mind to it you can do it forsure.

From someone A.K.A MURDOCH

Anonymous said...

hi misty keep up the good work.I also find it hard to spell empathy.

by Freeman

Unknown said...

I think it is great that you are all thinking of goals for next year. Casey - do not worry so much about being quiet - just make sure whatever you have to say has value. I know you are a sensible girl. Maybe another way of looking at this is to start journalling. I do it and I love it as you don't always get the chance to have an audience so when you journal you are getting to get your thoughts down.

Well done everyone else.

Roll on 2009.
Love Mrs Fale

Anonymous said...

hey guys great goals for next year.Some of mine are the same as yours.

Anonymous said...

nice goals every one,by the way thanks for commenting on our blog,:)

Anonymous said...

hi its stella here. im in your in room10.have you seen our blog. its cool like your blog. You blog is even cooler than our blog.
From Stella