Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Manaiakalani Film Festival Predictions

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On Thursday I hope I do well in the mathathon, and by that I mean getting all the questions right.  When we go to the film festival I think there will be between 500-600 children. I think it will be quite a big building because it needs to hold so many children. I think I will see a big movie screen and a projector, and I will definitely hear the cheeky chatter of children, but I still can't predict the smell of the place, though I'm sure it will be hot and stuffy. On the screen I'm sure we will see Mister Webb's flick, and I'm also looking forward to watching the other schools films too.

By Murdoch.

On Thursday we will be going to Manaiakalani Film Festival. I think there will be about 500 children there. The size of the hall will be about maybe 3 times the size of our classroom. I think I will see lots of kids, teachers and a few short films of course. I might hear a lot of kids
talking and teachers telling them to shhhh because of the films going. It will be very exciting!

By Elle

On Thursday when we go to the Manaiakalani Film Festival, I think that there will be heaps of other kids.  I don't think I will know any of them though.  I might see us on a big screen in a movie.  I hope that it is playing inside, so that it feels like the movies.  I think it will feel hot and stuffy there.  I might hear a lot of chatting kids watching the movies and on the big screen I might see other schools that I don't really know doing interesting things.  It will probably smell like sweaty kids because of how many people will be there to watch.  I am looking forward to Thursday.

By Samera


Room 14 Seekers of Knowledge said...

Great predicting guys! I think there will be lots of kids there too.

From Alex W.

Anonymous said...

Dear Murdoch Samera and Elle,

Great predicting about the film festival. I think you guys are very
imaginative about what might happen at the film festival. One day you might be very good writers.

From Vera

Room 14 Seekers of Knowledge said...

Hi Murdoch, Samera and Elle,

I love the writing, so descriptive!!!
I can really hear the loud children and the teachers saying shhhhhh! I'm excited and looking forward to Thursday too.

From Jericho.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys its Joe here!
Nice predicting you really explained what you think is going to happen.I think its going to be hot and stufy too!

from Joe.

Room 14 Seekers of Knowledge said...

Dear Samera ,Elle and Murdoch,

I really like your predicting because it give detail to your audience. I think there will heaps of children there too and all of the teachers will be telling every one to be quiet.

From Andre

Room 14 Seekers of Knowledge said...

Dear murdoch samera and Elle

I like the way you have explained what is going to happen. I think there will be lots of kids there too.

from vanni

Anonymous said...

Dear Elle,
Great predicting. I think there will be 500 kids too. I am looking forward to it too.

From Ariana

Anonymous said...

Dear Elle,
Great predicting. I think there will be 500 kids too. I am looking forward to it too.

From Ariana

Room 14 Seekers of Knowledge said...

Dear Murdoch, Elle and samera,
I like the way you predict what might happen tomorrow at the manaiakalani film festival because you have explained what you think might happen and what it will feel like.I hope it wont feel stuffy and cramped.
From pepe marie

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 16,
We are looking forward to sharing our work with you tomorrow. We hope to meet and talk with you so we know what you look like.

Little Voices, Little Scholars. said...

Hi Room 16 !

We like your predictions !
We never know what's going to happen but it's good to prepare ourselves mentally.
You will be able to see some Room 5's faces when you are at the festival. Do say ' Hi ' when you are there !

Mrs. She and Room 5

Anonymous said...

Dear Murdoch,Elle Samera.

You guys wrote a pretty good prediction.I like the way that you made your writing sound really realistic.?
Great expretion keep it up!.


Unknown said...

Well Room 16
I loved reading your predictions and as I am the organsier in chief of the film festival I can tell you that you are in for a good time. And yes, there will be more than a glimpse of your famous selves on the screen. During the day tomorrow all the movies you see will be uploaded to the various class blogs and you will be able to access them all from www.tamaki.net.nz
click on the button that says 'Film Festival 08" and you will be in...
I am looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow as I have read so much of your work on this blog.
Mrs Burt

Anonymous said...

I wanted on behalf of the students of Tamaki Intermediate School thank you for your contribution to our International Video Sasa. We've got the movie finished and will be showing it during the festival tomorrow and YES Grey Lynn have a starring role in the video, our students loved seeing your students preform the Sasa and your contribution will look magnificent on the big screen! Thank you again. The students will look forward to thanking you in person as well!

Anonymous said...

Hello Room 16,

Thank you so much for coming along today to our festival. We are really pleased that you enjoyed all the movies. It would be great to see some movies you guys make on your blog!!
Great predicting by the way! :-)

Unknown said...

Hi there
I thought you might be interested in a photo Miss Ferguson took of some of you as you were waiting for the Film Festival to start. It is online here
Mrs Burt

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 16,

Tell Miss Melesia that we are not her friends anymore cause she has not replied to our comments.Tell her we still love her and will always remember her .


Anonymous said...

You must remember to follow up this post with a 'recount and report' about what you thought of the film festival!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys
Great predicting.
The film festival was so cool!
It was really noisy.


P.S: we really have to put some new work on our blog!!!