Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mangere Mountain Visit

On Tuesday the 15th of October Rooms 16, 11 and 8 went to Mangere Mountain for a school trip.  We went there because we are learning about different uses for land and how it changes over time.  Mangere Mountain is a mountain that erupted 18,000 years ago, and it is 48, 000 years old. While we were there, we went for a walk and explored the mountain.  We made Maori gardening tools, visited the food garden and medicine garden.  It was really interesting and we had a great day.

By Casey

High: Going up the mountain.
Low: Going back to school.
Interesting: Seeing the medicine garden.
By Tatsuki

High: Carving the gardening tools.
Low: Walking in the sun for too long.
Interesting: Finding out that local plants can cure.
By Casey

High: Looking in the medicine garden.
Low: Getting thirsty on the long walk.
Interesting: I think it was cool how some plants can be medicine.
By Jericho

High: Walking up the mountain and seeing the cool view.
Low: The heat on the walk since I was wearing black.
Interesting: Carving the tools that could be used for gardening.
By Loimata


Unknown said...

Hi Room 16
Good on you for starting a blog - you must have an awesome teacher ;) Now you can share your learning with the world.
The trip to Mangere Mountain sounded like a lot of fun and you learned some interesting things there. From what I read (and heard) it sounds like the walk was taxing for quite a few of you.
I will be looking forward to what you have to say in the future as I have put your blog on my blogroll.
Mrs Burt

Anonymous said...

Hello Room 16

What a cool blog. We enjoyed looking at the pictures you posted to share your learning. We hear that you have really amazing teachers at your school. Our teacher came to watch your school production. She said that you had awesome costumes!

Please say hello to Ms Meleisea and Mrs Fale.

All the best
Room 18 and Mrs Lagitupu-Erick

Anonymous said...

dear room 16,

our blog page is going great, is'nt
I love looking at new things we write.

I can'nt wait till I get to write in a page!

From Lucy

Anonymous said...

Hi there Loimata

Sounds like you really enjoyed your time at Mangere Mountain. I enjoyed reading about the history of this mountain in your blog.

I lived near this mountain for about 10 years. It wasn't until I moved away from this area that I learnt about all the special things related to Mangere Mountain.

I hear that you have a very clever teacher there with you, Miss Burt. I do hope that you are taking good care of her!

I also know your teacher Miss Meleisea. Is she still leading jump jam in the morning? This was one of her favourite things to do.

Hope you're having fun using this form of elearning to share you stories with the global community.

Anonymous said...

Dear Room 16,
Great blog page we have!
I like reading the comments that everyone of you are doing.
Keep it up you guys!
From Vera

Anonymous said...

hey there room16

its casey here my mum thinks this website is stunning!!
shees also proud of me for the writing of mine on the computer and she thinks thats really cool aswell
she also ses great introduction murdoc its fantastic

Anonymous said...

Dear Casey,

You are a great president. Your post
is really interesting. I liked hearing about Mangere Mountain and remembering all the things that the lady taught us. I really liked reading about it.

From Ariana.

Sepora said...

Talofa Room 16,

You are leading the way at Grey Lynn School with your blog. I have learnt something new - yours is the first blog I have replied to!

I loved looking at your photographs and reading your comments about Mangere Mountain.

Can't wait to read more.

See you all around school.


Anonymous said...

Room 16, what a awesome trip you went on. I loved the way you talked about your highs and lows - I am going to share your blog with my class.
Keep up the awesome blogging!
Miss S. @ Twenty2, EPS

Anonymous said...

thank you ariana for your positive feed back it really makes me feel good to know from some body else that im a good president